Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Schoolish Outings

Recently we've done some school-ish things without doing much school. In December, we read Mr. Popper's Penguins and planned a book group for kids. It was really fun. Today we are going to a Velveteen Rabbit book group.

We've continued going on Charlotte Mason inspired nature walks. Winter walks are interesting in their own way. Not many insects or flowers to look at, but that makes the few things you do find more interesting.

We have a once a month gymnastics class, and the older boys are halfway through four swim lessons. It's good to get some exercise in winter; even when they're playing outside, it doesn't end up being as much as summer. Not coincidentally, the swim lessons were scheduled to begin after a trip to an indoor water park, which was not schoolish other than listening to James Herriott on the four hour drive.

Last weekend I took the older boys to their first symphony. It was a family friendly concert that included "Carnival of the Animals." We have two versions of it at home, so it was fun listening to both and then seeing their reactions at the concert.

Coming up in March, we will be taking a family trip to Seattle and Olympia, WA, for my grandma's 90th birthday. This will be everyone's first time to Washington except for me, so I'm hoping the weather will allow us a glimpse of Mount Rainier. We might also drive to the ocean one day, if we have a long enough chunk of unscheduled time. There is a good wildlife refuge to explore too.

In April, my oldest and I will be taking a day trip to Chicago on his birthday. Last year he got to go to monster trucks with Daddy. This year is mine. :) He was born in Chicago and is excited to take the train and see skyscrapers. I also plan to stop at the Art Institute (a Van Gogh exhibit is coming). I haven't decided yet if we'll spend the rest of the day exploring the Loop, Magnificent Mile, or Lincoln Park, where I lived for seven years. I'm really excited for us to spend the day together.

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